

Commissioned e-commerce website and logo for a cosmetic trading brand.

This is a Wordpress/ Woocommerce website with custom code.

Take a look here.

5Quality v.2020

This personal project started with the idea to create a web portfolio. But none of the platforms could bring that to life, so I decided to learn to code and do it myself.

Html, CSS and Javascript were used to create it.

Stuff for the Sims 2

Digital content website for a PC game.
Coded and designed by me with HTML, CSS and Javascript.

Give it a scroll here.

Ideas Lab

Being part of a communicating agency is an enriching experience. You're tasked with variety of jobs and have endless possibilities to excel.

Lead designer on this project was Spasimir Radkov - the art director at that time and together we created our agency's website.

Built on Wordpress with custom code, this template was one of the most challenging web projects I've worked on.

Start exploring here.